When our own hair is dry, it will become dull, incessant breaking, split ends and straw-like texture. Then when your human hair wigs becomes dry, in addition to the above conditions, it will become easy to knot and fall off, which is the worst place for hair drying. When the wig becomes dry, the traditional method is to use a conditioner, but even this does not solve all your hair problems. Natural remedies can be successful in places where chemicals fail, or at least can be achieved by supplementing chemicals.

Use an apple cider vinegar rinse
This is a good trick if you live in a place that has hard water. Hard water can cause calcium carbonate buildup in your hair, exacerbating dryness and creating a crusty texture. Clean your hair the natural way by diluting four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Work the solution into your hair. Rinse thoroughly. This will help restore hair to a glossy texture.
Spread olive oil
Olive oil acts as a heavy moisturizer for dry skin and lips, as well as hair. After shampooing, apply a few drops of oil to your lace front wigs to help lock in moisture. If you don't like olive oil, after all, the smell of olive oil will smell, you can try coconut oil. Coconut oil is also an excellent hair moisturizer.
Try to trim the fork
If your wig is dry, you're more prone to splint ends. The most dangerous part of the bifurcation is that once a chain breaks at the top, it will break to the root or cause a weak link in the chain. Therefore, regularly trim the hair and control the split ends. Although the lace wig will not re-grow, it will greatly improve the texture of your hair.
Of course, deep care for human hair wigs is also less. Your scalp will secrete natural oils that moisturize the entire scalp, but wigs won't, so we need regular deep care of the wigs. We should not only think about how to solve the problem of dry hair, we should solve the problem from the source and avoid dry hair. Then we need to pick high quality human hair wigs and use less heating tools.
There are many reasons for hair drying, but we hope that by reading this article, you have learned some tips for hair drying.